Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Goodbye Kiss

Kiss me goodbye, my love
Earlier today you danced through the passages of my mind,
taunting me with your smile
thrilling me with your body,
as you often did when we were lovers
but never friends
we would better be described as enemies,
you slept with the enemy, now kiss her
Kiss me goodbye, my love
I beg you, forget me, release me,
don't ever try to get my heart back again
save me the pain, you know will come
the inevitable pain as you let me down once again
I walked into the past
and cried out in pain as I stepped on the pieces of my broken heart
pain was all you gave me, from the very start
Kiss me goodbye, my love
then stab me in the back
You always were a master
at the surprise attack
Stare into my eyes at the shock you see
no, not my shock
You fool.
I learnt to expect the worst from you
as you learnt to expect the best from me
you always got the better of me,
but not this time,
this time, the shock you see in my eyes is the reflection of the shock in yours
Kiss me goodbye, my love
Earlier today you danced through the passages of my mind
and as you danced, I painted.
Painted my lips with poison, red
You try to speak but cannot
slipping to the ground, eyes closed, dead.
Kiss me goodbye, my love.

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