Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day at the Beach

Big blue waves beat
against the shore
tossing up the sand
spins in the water;
circles of cloudy brown.
Salty, stinging water,
slapping against my face
flips me over and over
hands flailing
surrounded by water
gasping for air
out of control.
Smiling I enjoy it;
the savage nature of the sea.
Smiling because it is a reminder
of the savage nature of me.
Stumbles out of the water,
feet heavy, already unaccustomed to land.
Looks back to see the footsteps
I made in the sand.
Breaths of breeze blows
over my hair.
Wet, salty, sandy strands
flicker in the air
feet apart, hands held high
a moment without a care.
Maybe if I squint my eyes
and imagine hard enough,
I can pretend noone else is here...


White walls, white dress, white shirt
white wine sipping,
head spins, feel myself slipping
into dreams of white clouds in blue skies
puffs of white smoke surrounds us
as we surround each other
under the white sheets
Light headed, giddy, dizzy
feeling of euphoria
mixed with sensual pleasure
your breath on my neck
finger trailing down my chest
kisses all over
I'm unsteady,
white wine spills;
cold all over my chest
your tongue;
warm, as you clean it up
your lips, sweet
as they meet mine
your eyes, deep brown
so divine.

Drunken emotion

Drunk with emotion
High on our love
eyes closed, heart open
as we dance through days, months,years
of happiness,
raw bliss
the things we share
with one kiss
give me everything, and then some
I already gave you the stars, the skies, the moon
in all her phases
I give you my ears
so you could hear how sweet you sound to me
I give you my eyes
so you could see how beautiful you are to me
I give you my heart
so you could feel how much I adore you

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Starts with a statement, ends with a question

I've tasted sorrow...
Its salty, like the tears on my face.
Heavy, like the weight on my chest.
Cry a river then swim in my pain.
Nothing to lose, nothing to gain.
I would fly if my wings weren't clipped,
I would swim, but I'm caught
in a net; I struggle. In vain.
I would sing if I had a choice.
But I don't
And I won't
No. I never, ever will.
So why is it, that I think of you,

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why am I a Free Spirit?

At the World
From my window,
I look with wide eyes
wondering if I would survive
a day on my own,
by myself; me alone.
They talk about Global warming,
but to me its so cold,
society is so harsh, so bitter,
I can taste the fear, in the air
not just mines,others too.
Just thinking about it, I feel lost
in a daze, or am I just trapped
in society's maze?
Am I strong?
Will I try to be right but still
end up being wrong?
I may fall, will I break?
Can I survive the mistakes I make?
Sometimes I feel afraid for myself
and of myself.
Sometimes I wish,
I was one of those stable, steady people,
who plan their way to the finish,
before they even start,who move slowly, with caution
and think with their heads
and not their hearts.
Oh, but I'm a dreamer,
a lover of music, and memories and
unexplainable things;
sunsets and flowers and shiny rings.

The Sunrise

Yellow and orange bursts of light
in the blue skies.
A blue so clear and clean and fresh-
er than powder,
The smell of morning air much sweet-
er than perfume,
The dew sprinkled flowers feel soft-
er than cream,
The scene was so beautiful I felt
like I was having a dream, but
I wasn't,it was morning,
I was dressing, infront the window,
gazing at
The Sunrise,
Yellow and orange bursts of light
in the blue skies.

Full Moon

So beautiful, so bright
your silvery glow
contrasts with the navy blue of night.
The light you shine,
your ethereal beauty;
so divine .
Why should I wish upon a star
when I could wish upon you,
you orb of shining silver
against a sky of navy blue.
N.B: I was really a Full Moon the night I wrote this poem- (29/03/10)


I followed his hands with my eyes,
as he followed my curves with his hands,
every time we get together,
he re-creates me
I'm his muse, his art
forever a work in progress,
his source of pleasure and pain,
joy and frustration,
I'll never be perfect
and he seeks elusive perfection.
Are his eyes cold and unmoving?
or is it just my reflection?
the reflection of a statue; motionless,
but never emotionless
and when I'm lost in emotion,
I may act senseless
but never insensitive, like him, when he laughs
at my feelings;
His laugh as cold as his eyes
as bold as his lies
His feelings hidden like trained spies
Mocking mine as they walk in the open,
unaware that they were being stalked
as I talked and talked
opening myself up
making the target bigger and bigger
as he aimed at my heart
and shot.

Goodbye Kiss

Kiss me goodbye, my love
Earlier today you danced through the passages of my mind,
taunting me with your smile
thrilling me with your body,
as you often did when we were lovers
but never friends
we would better be described as enemies,
you slept with the enemy, now kiss her
Kiss me goodbye, my love
I beg you, forget me, release me,
don't ever try to get my heart back again
save me the pain, you know will come
the inevitable pain as you let me down once again
I walked into the past
and cried out in pain as I stepped on the pieces of my broken heart
pain was all you gave me, from the very start
Kiss me goodbye, my love
then stab me in the back
You always were a master
at the surprise attack
Stare into my eyes at the shock you see
no, not my shock
You fool.
I learnt to expect the worst from you
as you learnt to expect the best from me
you always got the better of me,
but not this time,
this time, the shock you see in my eyes is the reflection of the shock in yours
Kiss me goodbye, my love
Earlier today you danced through the passages of my mind
and as you danced, I painted.
Painted my lips with poison, red
You try to speak but cannot
slipping to the ground, eyes closed, dead.
Kiss me goodbye, my love.

Reflections on a poem

Dedicated to you,
my poem started
I began slowly,
then my words departed
They ran all over the page, screaming
love, mad love!
all that was in my mind was
mad passionate love
it was so consuming
my words were fuming,
happy, angry, and confused
Now as I read them over all I feel is amused.